Sunday, July 21, 2024

Dear Valued Clients,

We would like to inform you that as of July 1, 2023, the Geocode.Farm v3 API was officially deprecated and has reached its end of life as of January 1, 2024. While the v3 API remains online to support users whose software requires it, we strongly urge all clients to transition to the v4 API immediately. There are plans in place to shutdown the v3 API in the near future and we are still seeing extreme amounts of users continuing to access it instead of the proper v4 API.

Important Actions Required:

  • For Software Compatibility: If your software still requires the v3 API, please submit a ticket to us with your software vendor information. We will contact the vendor directly to facilitate an update and ensure compatibility with our latest API version.
  • API Key Requirement: As of January 1, 2024, access to the v3 API without a valid v4 API key has been removed. Any attempts to access the v3 API without a valid key will be redirected to this announcement page. You can signup for an API key here:

NOTE: We are no longer supporting the v3 API, and it is prone to bugs that continue to generate support tickets. Transitioning to the v4 API will ensure you benefit from the latest features, improvements, and security enhancements. Continued use of v3 API is at your own risk and you are risking it being shutdown at any moment without notice, possibly causing downtime for yourself and your clients.

NOTE TO THOSE ATTEMPTING TO ACCESS WITHOUT AN API KEY: If your systems continue to access the v3 API without a key, your IP address(es) may be banned from accessing Geocode.Farm entirely to prevent log buildups and abuse. If you are being redirected to this message, this applies to you! Please contact us via a support ticket if you have an account, register for one if you do not, or contact us by

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Best regards,
The Geocode.Farm Team


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